
Microsoft Voice Access

I’m looking to experiment more with Microsoft voice access for dictation. Maybe I can get in the habit of blogging more often if I don’t have to type it And I can do this more passively. Every day I find myself working on such creative and interesting projects but I don’t catalog it well And at the end of the week I remember only half of what I’ve done. I suppose this is the problem with anyone anyone facing inconsistent journaling.

Every year it starts off with ambitions for new beginnings and this is no exception. 2022 was a big year and a big test and I came out of it very proud of myself. If there’s one thing I’ve learned as a father it’s that there’s nothing I appreciate more than spending time with my family. Growing older I can see how my work and home life ambitions play out over time, what I’m capable of, what I have time for, what I’m proud of, and what I actually want to leave as a legacy.

Using MS VA this has already taken 10m to write, so I’m stopping, but I’ll keep this up! Off to some app dev.